The most important tool in your business is your website. It’s where customers and potential customers go to find out about you, learn more about what you do and connect with you. That makes it imperative that your website is working well for everyone who visits.

Yet many businesses such as e-Commerce businesses, business-to-business (B2B), healthcare mailing businesses and some non-profits don’t know how to monitor their websites’ performance on an on-going basis—or don’t have a budget for analytics software.

In this post, I’m going to show how easy it is to use free web analytics tools like Google Analytics (GA) and Hub Spot’s Website Grader to track some of the most important key performance indicators (KPIs) for any site: bounce rate, average time on site, page views per visit, exit rate, etcetera!

What Are Web Vitals?

Web analytics tools are designed to measure and monitor the performance of a website. They enable you to see how visitors interact with your site, including where they come from, how long they spend there and what they do when they arrive.

These three key metrics – bounce rate, average time on site and page views – are known as “web vitals” because they’re vital signs for measuring your website’s health. The fourth vital is exit rate, which can also be measured using web analytics tools; it measures how many people leave a webpage before reaching another page or exiting entirely from the site.

In addition to these four basics metrics for measuring user engagement on your site (bounce rate being one), other metrics may be more useful than others depending on what kind of information you’re looking for, such as bounce rates per landing page versus overall bounce rates across all pages on your site, total visits versus unique visits, for example.

Why Are They Important?

The main reason web analytics tools are important is that they can help you make improvements to your site. If you don’t have any idea how well your website is performing, or if there are any problems with it, then you can’t fix them. But by using a web analytics tool like Google Analytics or Hub Spot’s On-Site Analytics tool (which I’ll discuss later), you can figure out exactly what people are doing on your website and which parts of the site need improvement.

This data gives us more accurate information than guesswork would give us about how our sites are performing and that means we’re better able to make improvements when necessary!

How Do You Monitor Them?

Monitoring web vital statistics is an important part of maintaining a website and ensuring that it’s performing at its best. You can use several tools to monitor the health of your website, but the most common ones are Google Analytics, Piwik (a free alternative), Woopra and Kissmetrics.

To set up a monitoring system for your site:

  • Choose one or more analytics tools based on what you need them for (for example, if you want to track customer behavior on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter).
  • Install them on all pages where they’re needed.
  • Make sure they’re configured properly so that they collect accurate data.

Web Vital 1: Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is a metric that measures how many visitors leave your website after viewing only one page. It’s important to monitor because it can help you identify whether your site has problems, and what they are. For example:

  • If you have a high bounce rate, then it may be because the content on your home page isn’t relevant to what users want or need. You might also want to consider removing any unnecessary links in order not to confuse visitors with too much information right off the bat.
  • If there’s no significant change in bounce rates over time (or even worse, if they increase), this could mean that something went wrong with Google Analytics tracking code implementation or configuration settings such as time zone settings or URL structure changes–both of which would prevent accurate data collection from being tracked by GA itself!

Web Vital 2: Average Time on Site

Average time on site is the average amount of time a visitor spends on your site. This metric is important because it shows how engaged your visitors are with your content and whether they’re likely to convert into customers.

If you have an e-Commerce store, then conversion rate and bounce rate are also key metrics. A low bounce rate means that users are spending more time on the page or clicking through multiple pages before exiting (which is good), but it doesn’t tell us anything about whether those users bought something from us (that would be even better). For us to improve our conversion rates, we need more information about what’s happening with our website traffic as well as which parts of our sites have higher than average abandonment rates so we can fix them accordingly.

Web Vital 3: Page Views

  • Calculate page views.
  • The importance of page views.
  • Improve your website’s conversion rate with a focus on improving your pages’ landing pages.
  • Use statistical functions in web analytics tools to analyze data, find trends and make informed decisions about how you can improve the user experience on your site.

Web Vital 4: Exit Rate

Exit rate is the percentage of visitors who leave your site without completing a goal. It’s important to look at this metric because it shows you how much of your traffic is leaving before they have engaged with your website, which can be an indicator of how well-optimized your site is for conversions and whether or not people are finding what they’re looking for on your page.

Exit Rate = (Exit Count) / (Visitor Count)

The formula above shows how to calculate the exit rate in Google Analytics: divide the number of exits by total visits and multiply by 100%. To find an exit rate for one particular page or section, follow these steps:

Open up Google Analytics and click on Behavior > Site Content > Page Speed Insights (or whatever category contains the pages or sections whose exit rates matter most). You’ll see all pages listed here; click one so that only its data appears below (or select multiple items).

Add together all four columns’ values–visits per session times average time spent on site plus bounce rate plus conversion rate–to get “Total Score”.

Adopting a new tool to monitor your site’s core web vitals will help you make improvements based on data rather than guesswork.

Adopting a new tool to monitor your site’s core web vitals will help you make improvements based on data rather than guesswork. Data is more objective than opinion, so it can be used to make decisions and prioritize actions. The more accurate and complete your web analytics data set is, the better off you’ll be, and this goes for any tool or platform.

If you’re looking for ways to improve how well your website performs, consider adopting one of these tools.

Web analytics tools can help organizations improve their websites by providing actionable data.

Web analytics tools can help organizations improve their websites by providing actionable data. These tools can be used to identify problems on your website, what is working on your website, and what is not working on your website. It’s important to use web analytics tools for this purpose because it will help you determine where you should focus your efforts so that you can make improvements in the future.

By using a web analytics tool like Google Analytics or Mint (a free tool), you’ll be able to see exactly how many people are visiting each page of your site and how long they stay there before leaving. This information will give insight into what parts of the site need improvement so that visitors have better experiences when using it!


Web analytics tools are available to help you monitor and improve your website’s core web vitals. They give you access to data about what visitors are doing on your site and how long they stay there, which helps you make informed decisions about how to improve it. The four main web vitals – bounce rate, average time on site, page views and exit rate – are all important metrics that can be measured by these tools. Once you have chosen a tool and set up accounts with these providers, all that’s left is for you to start gathering information about your site’s core web vitals. By monitoring these statistics regularly, you’ll be able to identify areas where your website needs improvement or optimization so that visitors have a better experience when visiting your site.

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By Margaret Blank

At the moment I am an expert-analyst in the field of search engine optimization, leading several projects and consulting on website optimization and promotion, I am actively involved in various thematic seminars and conferences.

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