Did you know a good press release (PR) campaign can influence your ranking performance more than several other channels? Times are changing, and as digital marketing and content marketing become more widespread, the need for PR and search engine optimization (SEO) businesses to adapt and evolve also intensifies.

Link building is an essential part of SEO for eCommerce website owners. Ranking on top of Google means you are in the right place when your prospects are ready to spend their money. To rank high for profitable and competitive terms, you have to be creative with your link building techniques. This is because your backlink account has a direct impact on where your website appears on search engines.

These backlinks have been a key factor of SEO, and PR is the best way to get high-quality links to your website from other sites. Building links is, by far, not the easy part, but it’s an indispensable aspect of your SEO efforts.

Why Is PR Important for Link Building?

Believe it or not, link building is one of the most important factors for ranking; hence, putting your press release campaigns on the back burner would be the worst mistake you could make for your business.

Here are the two best ways to build links through PR:

Press Releases

You’re probably wondering exactly how press stories are effective in building links. It depends on how the story is conveyed to journalists and if there is enough motivation to include a link with online coverage.

You have to think about the type of link, too. “No-follow” links bring little SEO value compared to “do-follow” links. You can get other advantages from no-links and brand citations, but that’s a blog for another day.

The relevancy of the website you receive a link from can be an essential piece of the puzzle. It likely will not impact the value of SEO but, for instance, if you are working on an employment law story, other sites that focus on content HR topics will be ideal. These sites will be more likely to be involved in your story and from an SEO viewpoint, they are important, too.

Campaign for PR

Campaigns allow you to cover trending news topics that cross over with your brand and give the media a great reason to talk about your business. They also give you a chance to get coverage from many platforms if your idea is interesting and if it’s implemented well.

Why Is It Difficult for eCommerce Stores To Generate Backlinks?

Generating backlinks is an integral part of eCommerce marketing strategy. But generating natural and contextual links for eCommerce businesses is difficult because adding links to product pages tends to look promotional. Also, most eCommerce stores are competing with the biggest stores like Amazon and eBay. Site owners would be more likely to trust these big names than your lesser-known online store, making it more challenging for you to generate links quickly.

How To Create a Good PR Campaign for an eCommerce Store

Press releases follow a format that makes it easy for editors and reporters to find the information they need. So, remember to use a format that lets reporters decide quickly whether they will cover your story or not.

Here are some effective steps to writing a good press release:

  • Find an interesting story.
  • Make sure your headline is appealing.
  • Summarize the story in a subtitle.
  • Include the essential information first (the four Ws – who, what, when, where).
  • Include supporting context and information (testimonials, statistics, case studies).
  • Summarize the article.
  • End with a boilerplate.

Give a short background and general idea of the company at the end. Add contact information at the bottom and type “###” to signify the end of your copy.

How To Get the Most Out of PR for Link Building

If done correctly, a press release is a great way to receive natural backlinks. How you display your idea is important if you are planning to send it to reporters or journalists.

Here are some best practices for link building through a press release:

Focus on Quality, Not Quantity

Your press release should be tempting enough to encourage other sources to pick it up and link back to you. The information should be up to date. It should feature relevant and current news to increase shareability.

Include Solid Anchor Text

Don’t use the same keywords for your anchor text every time. Find substitutes. You can use the name of the company or something inviting that will motivate people to click on the link. For example, you can use the word “branded,” but make sure that it doesn’t sound too promotional.

No Spamming

Instead of spamming, make your content engaging to attract readers. Encourage influencers or bloggers to be a part of it. Do research to find which platforms are good for your business and start from there.

Use No-Follow Links

Your links should always be no-follow links, and you must never build or buy links – if you want to avoid Google penalties, that is. No-follow links can also help you rank on Google and drive users to your site – you just have to place your link in the right place. The audience doesn’t care if you are using a no-follow or do-follow link.

Once you have your press release ready, you can use a PR service, like EIN Presswire and PR Newswire, or you can reach out to the journalists on your own.

As soon as the PR is published on different media outlets, you should see an uptick in your website backlinks.


Link building can be a long and arduous process. If you are not using PR campaigns in your SEO link building strategy, then you are missing out on an important technique. Competition is steep. Businesses need to think creatively about combining PR and SEO to generate online visibility and exposure. We hope these tips gave you important insights into leveraging PR to enhance your SEO efforts.

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By Margaret Blank

At the moment I am an expert-analyst in the field of search engine optimization, leading several projects and consulting on website optimization and promotion, I am actively involved in various thematic seminars and conferences.

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