If you want to succeed with your online business, you’ll need search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) marketing working for you. SEO is related to organically ranking your website as high as possible in search engine results pages. At the same time, PPC is geared towards paying for top placement in those same results pages.

While having them work separately is beneficial and necessary for success, what would happen if you got them working for you together?

This blog post will discuss implementing PPC marketing into your SEO strategy and the benefits of doing so.

We’ll start by defining both SEO and PPC, then move on to the benefits of using PPC in an SEO campaign. Finally, we’ll discuss some of the best ways to implement PPC marketing into your SEO strategy.

What Is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the methodology of enhancing the visibility and improving the ranking of a website or webpage in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO can be done by optimizing website content, building backlinks and developing a solid social media presence.

What Is PPC Marketing?

PPC marketing, or pay-per-click advertising, is a form of online marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. At its core, PPC marketing is a way of paying for site visits rather than organically earning them.

When your company engages in PPC marketing, they bid on and pay for specific keywords. If someone searches for those keywords, your product or company will appear at the top of the search page.

What Is an SEO Marketing Strategy?

An SEO marketing strategy is a plan of action that you put into place to improve your website’s visibility in SERPs. It is a process that helps you determine the best way to organize your website’s content so that it is more likely to be seen by people searching for information online.

An effective SEO marketing strategy will also help you identify which keywords are most relevant to your business and target those keywords in your content. Doing so can improve your chances of ranking higher in SERPs for those terms, resulting in more website traffic and conversions.

So How Do We Know the Distinction Between SEO and PPC Marketing?

SEO provides a better user experience by letting customers find exactly what they’re searching for. Optimizing your content will allow you to rank higher on Google so people can quickly find you or what you are selling. People generally click on higher-ranking websites, so logic tells us that the higher your site is on a SERP, the more traffic you’ll get. PPC’s goal is speed. PPC marketing focuses on getting customers to the page they want by writing persuasive ad copy.

Many businesses compete for keywords and the coveted top spot on SERPs, therefore, earning a high ranking in Google for your website using SEO or PPC will take some time and a lot of effort.

However, a critical difference between the two fields is that a click on an organic listing costs nothing, whereas a PPC click costs money.

When these two ideas work together, you’re guaranteed to dominate more on SERPs, which translates into a significant increase in ROI.

What Are the Best Ways To Implement PPC In Your SEO Strategy?

The main focus of a good content marketing strategy is to use SEO to get your website in front of the most people so they can click on it and interact with your business. Therefore, you should be open to trying anything possible to get your business as high up on SERPs as possible.

One of the ways to do that is to combine PPC strategies for marketing with SEO strategies. Once you do that, you will significantly increase your website traffic, sales and revenue.

Here are some of the best ways to implement what works best with PPC marketing into your SEO strategy and its benefits.

Combine Your Landing Pages To Get the Benefits of Both

When it comes to online marketing, it’s essential to make the most of every asset at your disposal. This means optimizing your landing pages to get the benefits of PPC and SEO strategies. If you don’t have a website yet, you could use an SEO website builder and create optimized landing pages from the start. If not, you can easily make a few changes to your existing landing pages.

PPC campaigns can help you attract more visitors to your website, while SEO can help keep visitors engaged and interested in what you offer. By optimizing your landing pages, you can make sure that potential customers are getting the best possible experience when they visit your site. This will not only increase the chances that they’ll convert, but it will also help to improve your ranking on search engine results pages.

When your landing pages are optimized for PPC and SEO strategies, your customers will experience a surround sound effect. Perhaps a customer searches for a product, clicks on a PPC ad, lands on your PPC landing page and browses around for a minute before leaving.

Some people are averse to using paid ads to make purchases. But since you also have organic SEO landing pages optimized for sales, your PPC is simply putting your brand name in their head.

Then, a few hours or days later, that customer will search for more information about the product they want to purchase. Since they already saw your PPC ad, they know that you have what they’re looking for and they end up clicking on your organic landing page, which is optimized for making a quick and efficient purchase.

Bid on the Same Organic Keywords To Achieve Ultimate Search Engine

PPC can give you greater visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) than SEO alone. SEO will give your website an organic ranking on SERPs. When you bid on keywords, you can appear above organic search results, increasing the chances that users will click on your site.

Additionally, paid search can help you target users actively looking for your products or services. This makes it a valuable tool for businesses looking to increase website traffic and revenue. When users search for a term that your business is targeting with PPC, they may see your ad at the top of the page, increasing your chances of someone clicking on it.


Combine Your Keyword and Data Research Strategies

In addition to bidding on the same keywords as your organic SEO marketing campaign with your PPC campaign, you can also use the two strategies in conjunction with each other to cover more keywords. When you run a PPC campaign, you have access to valuable data that can be used to inform your SEO strategy. This data includes information on which keywords are most effective for your ad and insights into customer behavior.

When you combine SEO and PPC strategies, you can research keywords and data to get the most out of your campaigns. Once you see which keywords are succeeding in your PPC campaign, you can put those keywords into your organic content strategy, enhancing your search engine ranking for a longer time.

Furthermore, you can use the SEO data you now have to create a new paid campaign. However, this time you will start with a better starting position that won’t cost you as much because you already know what to look for. You can also check out what people are searching for to find your site by using SEO. Then you can create similar ad copy and expand on what is already showing you positive results.

Shared keyword and data research results from combining PPC and SEO marketing strategies. Using both channels, you can better understand what works well for your business and what doesn’t. This research will help you make necessary optimizations and A/B tests to improve your campaigns.

Use PPC Marketing to Enhance Your Retargeting

PPC allows you to retarget potential customers who have already shown an interest in your product or service. This is because you can use cookies to track their behavior and target them with ads relevant to their interests.

When you combine SEO and PPC marketing strategies, you create a more efficient way to retarget audiences. By using PPC to target users who have already visited your site, you can use SEO to bring them back to your content. This way, you can reach more potential customers and convert more of them into buyers.

Combine Your PPC and SEO Marketing Tools

Most businesses today use various tools for marketing their products and services. By combining your paid search and SEO marketing tools, you can better understand how users find your content online. This information can help you improve your SEO strategy by targeting the right keywords and improving your website content.

SEMrush is an excellent tool for both PPC and SEO tactics. It provides data on competitor websites, including the keywords they are targeting. You can then use this information to improve your own website content and target the same keywords.

Google Search Console is another valuable tool for both PPC and SEO. It shows how users find your content online and any errors that may prevent them from finding it. You can then fix these errors to improve your website’s visibility in search results.

Combining your paid search and SEO marketing tools will give you a better understanding of how users are finding your content. This information can help you improve your website content and SEO strategy.

combining paid search and SEO

Use Your PPC Campaign To Save Money on Your SEO Strategy

PPC can actually help you save money on your SEO campaigns. This is because you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, so you only pay for results.

Saving money is always a top priority for businesses, and when it comes to marketing, there are many different ways to do so. Combining PPC and SEO marketing strategies is a great way to save money.

PPC can be a great way to get quick traffic results, especially if you are targeting competitive keywords. However, if your competitors are not bidding on those exact keywords, you can save money by not bidding on them yourself. Instead, focus your efforts on SEO and ranking your content organically. This will take longer, but it will be less expensive in the long run.

Another great way to save money with PPC is by targeting lower-traffic keywords. These keywords may not generate as many clicks as high-traffic keywords, but they will be much less expensive to bid on. This can be a great way to get more bang for your buck with your PPC campaigns.

Using PPC and SEO marketing strategies, you can save money while still generating a lot of traffic and leads for your business.


When you want to increase your search engine optimization efforts, it is important to consider implementing pay-per-click marketing into your strategy. PPC can help boost your website’s visibility and organic search traffic while also helping to improve your website’s click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC) and other metrics.

To get the most out of your PPC campaigns, it is crucial to ensure that your SEO campaigns are also running effectively. Here are a few tips for integrating PPC into your SEO strategy:

1. Research which keywords you should be targeting with your PPC campaigns. Once you have determined which keywords you would like to target, ensure that your SEO campaigns also target these same keywords. This will help ensure that your website appears in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for these keywords and that you receive as much traffic from these searches as possible.

2. Use the same keywords in both your PPC and SEO campaigns. Using the same keywords in both of your campaigns helps to improve the consistency of your marketing messages across all channels. This will help ensure that your target audience sees the same messaging regardless of how they interact with your brand – whether through paid or organic search results.

3. Optimize your website for both humans and search engines. It is important to remember that although you are running a PPC campaign, you still want people to visit and interact with your website. Ensure your website is optimized for both humans and search engines to receive maximum traffic from both sources.

Following these tips ensures that your PPC and SEO campaigns work together to improve your website’s visibility and organic search traffic.

PPC is a valuable tool that can be used to improve the visibility and ranking of your website. When used in conjunction with SEO, PPC can help you achieve greater search engine visibility, shared keyword and data research, more efficient retargeting and increased savings. 

Implementing PPC into your SEO strategy is a great way to improve your online marketing efforts.

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By Margaret Blank

At the moment I am an expert-analyst in the field of search engine optimization, leading several projects and consulting on website optimization and promotion, I am actively involved in various thematic seminars and conferences.

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