Guest posting continues to be a powerful tool for search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns. It combines the emphasis of your brand’s expertise and authority with opportunities to place backlinks. Nevertheless, simply creating a few blog posts isn’t a guarantee of success.

Encouraging audiences to meaningfully engage with your guest posts can truly make a difference to your SEO efforts. Certainly, organic traffic from general visitors to the site hosting the post is important, but you can go further by using social media to do a little extra promotion.

Let’s dive into this subject a little deeper. What social media steps should you take to maximize your guest posts’ SEO impact?

Creating Shareable Content 

The first step to maximizing a guest post’s SEO impact through social media is to focus on making certain the post itself is fit for purpose. You can perform all the social media research and strategy you want, but if users aren’t compelled to engage with your content in ways that impact ranking, it could all be for nothing. By taking the time to do the upfront work, you’re creating a solid foundation to build on.

Therefore, you need to start thinking and behaving like a professional content creator. In most cases, the role of a digital content creator is to strategically plan and produce materials that effectively engage and build audiences. Success here tends to require honing creative and technical skill sets that allow for better identification and understanding of their audiences and ultimately the production of the types of content that repeatedly strike a chord. While you may not have the same intention to directly gain revenue from your guest posts, you’ll still need to take this goal-oriented approach. This includes:

  • Developing an appropriate writing style. If you want people to actively share and quote your guest posts on social media channels, the writing must resonate with the audience. This isn’t just about good quality writing, although that’s important. But the voice also has to be relevant to the target readership. Cultivate stylistic writing skills or hire writers that are most attractive to the people you intend to reach.
  • Establishing discussion-worthy subject matter. It’s great to produce guest posts that others on social media recommend as an interesting read or useful resource. However, it’s even better to spark dynamic discussions on social media channels. Look at the types of topics that are genuinely prompting engagement on social media and consider how your posts might lend new perspectives or ideas that audiences might want to talk about. 
  • Identify reliable target sites. Any good SEO campaign involving guest posting requires consideration toward choosing reliable target sites to host your posts on. They certainly need to be credible and authoritative where possible. If you’re planning on promoting on social media, you must also consider how your choice of target site affects this. Does the site regularly share guest posts on its own social channels? Do they use thumbnail images that are eye-catching in social posts? Does the website itself have a good reputation among the audience you’re trying to engage?

Using the Right Platforms in the Right Way

Once you’ve lined up your strategically created guest posts, it’s time to start promoting them on social media. This isn’t simply a case of throwing them onto all platforms. Not all social channels are alike and, as a result, your approach to utilizing them for great SEO results from your guest posts must take this into account.

Some of the things you’ll need to bear in mind include:

Channel Choice

Be selective about where you’re promoting your guest posts. When you’re utilizing blogs for your SEO, some social media channels are simply not well-designed to promote engagement. For instance, while you can technically post screen grabs of your guest posts on Instagram, you can’t directly link to them in your post descriptions. This can present hurdles to easy engagement. Rather, focus your attention on platforms like X (formerly Twitter), Bluesky, Facebook and LinkedIn that enable you to make your guest post links the primary focus of your posts.

Additionally, it’s important not to neglect which platforms are most appropriate for social SEO. Some channels — YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter in particular – tend to have search functions that closely resemble those of traditional search engines. Therefore, focusing your promotion efforts on these channels can not only help your general SEO efforts but also boost rankings on individual channels.

Post Timing

Even when you find the best channels for your guest posts, promoting at a random time of day is unlikely to help your SEO efforts. Rather you need to find that sweet spot at which audiences are most likely to discover and engage with your posts. This can certainly vary depending on the channel and audience. 

For instance, the commonly accepted best times to post on LinkedIn tend to be during business hours on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. It’s not particularly surprising, given that it’s a professional networking platform. However, there can be other influencing factors, such as the local time zone of your target audience or the social media usage trends of the industry your guest posts are geared toward. It is, therefore, vital to perform research into the behavior of your intended demographics so you can produce an impactful posting schedule.

Using Keywords Effectively

Keywords are central to many marketers’ and brands’ SEO strategies. That’s not to say they’re the be-all and end-all, though. Many marketers prefer to focus their efforts on other tactics, such as backlinks, rather than rely too heavily on keywords. That said, even if your guest posts don’t utilize keywords or phrases, your social media promotion efforts should include them in some fashion.

Keywords on social media are important both for social SEO and for search engines that might grab your posted content when crawling. Indeed, some social media posts can feature in search results independently. Therefore, you should ensure that you mindfully populate your social media with relevant keywords. In a general sense, you might consider placing keywords into your account name and bio. You should also use keywords, including those coupled with hashtags, in your post text. Additionally, be sure not to overlook the use of keywords in alt text for images.

Building Effective Relationships

The most effective guest posting SEO campaigns are not just reliant on technical aspects such as keywords or audience data. Rather, there’s also a human element in the form of mutually beneficial relationships. This applies to social media promotion, too. By cultivating partnerships, you can ensure your guest posts make the best possible impact on your rankings.

Some of the relationships you should focus on developing include:

  • Influencers. Those who have developed dedicated audiences can affect your guest posts’ SEO success. This doesn’t necessarily have to be people with millions of followers. Micro-influencers tend to gain greater engagement levels than their mega counterparts. By partnering with one operating in a relevant niche, you can have access to followers who are primed to engage in meaningful ways. Take the time to review who the most relevant influencers are to your target demographics and reach out to them.
  • Other blog writers. Almost anybody writing blog content wants to extend their audience. Forging relationships with blog writers in similar subject areas can provide opportunities for cross-promotion on social media. You’ll post about their content; they’ll post about yours. Importantly, these relationships with other blog writers may also result in backlinks being incorporated into their copy, further extending your SEO efficacy.


Your guest posts can have a greater SEO impact if you dedicate a little extra time and energy toward promoting them on social media. This involves being strategic in your approach. Make certain your guest posts are designed to provoke social media engagement. Get to know what platforms are most apt for your content and leverage keywords in your posts. Wherever possible, seek out mutually beneficial relationships that can boost audience reach.

At their best, guest posts are multifaceted resources that can keep boosting your brand’s marketing. The last thing you want to do is overlook opportunities to squeeze as much value out of them as possible. As the social media landscape continues to thrive, it’s definitely in your best interests to establish techniques that give your posts that extra push.

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By Margaret Blank

At the moment I am an expert-analyst in the field of search engine optimization, leading several projects and consulting on website optimization and promotion, I am actively involved in various thematic seminars and conferences.

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