Whether you run a global corporation or a small business, social media has emerged as one of the most important ways to market your brand. Social media holds the potential to gain a similar level of traction generated by a strategically placed billboard or a celebrity endorsement. 

The accessibility and wide read of social media platforms allow your brand to become part of people’s everyday lives. That being said, if you’ve been doing digital marketing for a while, it’s easy to get stuck in a comfort zone. 

Has your brand reached a point of stagnation when it comes to social media marketing? In this post, we’re sharing actionable ways to elevate your marketing efforts. Take a look. 

Make Short-Form Videos

It would be an understatement to say that short-form video has taken over the world. In particular, TikTok and Instagram Reels are the new-age platforms for content creation. It’s no wonder that TikTok users spend an average of 14.5 hours per month on the app! 

No matter the niche or the size of your business, short-form content is essential to get your brand noticed on social media. The best thing is that you don’t need superior editing or production skills for creating content for TikTok or Reels. 

Consistency is key to ensuring your content shows up in relevant audience feeds. Especially for short-form videos, you need to post at least once every day to maximize reach and engagement. 

Understandably, creating content daily for several platforms can be challenging. But who said you have to post unique videos on every platform? You can repurpose your videos for TikTok, Reels, Youtube Shorts, Facebook Reels, Pinterest and other platforms.

Create LinkedIn Newsletters

What comes to your mind when “social media” is mentioned? It’s probably not LinkedIn. However, apart from being a job-seeking website, LinkedIn is very much a social media platform. Especially if you’re a business-to-business (B2B) company, LinkedIn is valuable for generating and nurturing leads. 

If you are already posting on LinkedIn, it’s time to switch things up with newsletters. LinkedIn Newsletters promise a plethora of benefits for your business. Firstly, a strategically curated newsletter can drive engagement which encourages the LinkedIn algorithm to show your content to more people. When used right, newsletters can help you enhance brand awareness and build authority in your niche. 

Before you dive into creating content, it’s crucial to optimize your LinkedIn profile for search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is key to enhancing your organization’s discoverability on search engines. In addition to using relevant keywords throughout your LinkedIn page, we also urge you to customize a URL for your profile. This will further improve your ranking in organic searches. Moreover, your articles, blogs, newsletters or any other content should be search engine optimized. When it comes to SEO, consistency is essential. Therefore, frequently publish optimized content to get more eyes on your business. 

Host Live Events

Hosting live virtual events has never been easier. You can host live sessions on Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, among other platforms. These days, you can also host live audio sessions on Twitter Spaces and Clubhouse. It’s a good idea to invite a guest speaker and create conversation-style content. You can interview your guest or discuss a topic relevant to your niche.

Ask Me Anything (AMA)

Many businesses these days include an FAQ section on their websites and social media pages. But what if you gave your audience a chance to ask questions? 

Ask Me Anything or AMA has become pretty popular on Reddit, Twitter and Instagram. You can ask your followers to submit general questions or queries regarding a specific topic. You have the option to either type your response or record yourself answering the questions, which is a way to personalize your brand.

Custom GIFs

We can all agree that GIFs are a fun way to communicate and express your emotions. You can use them to jazz up your Instagram Stories, Twitter Replies and more. 

There is an extensive library of GIFs available, but have you thought about designing custom GIFs for your brand? If you have experience with digital art and graphic design, you can attempt to create GIFs on Procreate and other similar platforms. Afterward, you can easily upload them on Giphy for public use. 

On the other hand, there are affordable alternatives available if you lack the experience. We suggest commissioning artists on Instagram or Fiverr for designing exclusive GIFs that convey your brand identity.

Influencer Collaborations

Whether you like it or not, influencers are the new A-listers, and they are making money moves! Collaborating with influencers is a must to reach a wider audience and boost conversions. 

Even if you are a small business with a tight marketing budget, influencer marketing isn’t out of the question. Micro-influencers are creators with smaller yet highly engaged followers. You can partner with creators and sponsor posts on their pages. Whether you are offering counseling services or selling a milk alternative, there are influencers ready to promote your products and services.

While social media is a powerful tool to reach and engage your audience, there are other viable ways to grab their attention. Here are a couple of affordable yet effective ways to keep your brand alive in customers’ minds.

Start a Podcast

Did you know that 80 million Americans listen to podcasts every week? Though podcasts aren’t a brand new format, they have recently gained widespread popularity. From technical experts to popstars, everyone wants a slice of the pie. 

So what makes podcasts stand out? Well, most other content formats require the audience’s complete attention. They cannot read an infographic or watch a video while driving or doing laundry. On the other hand, podcasts make a convenient on-the-go option for people with busy schedules. 

Developing a podcast for your niche is a great way to compel your followers. It’s an opportunity to connect with your target audience on a deeper level by providing them with valuable insights and information. 

It’s quite possible that you’re hesitant to start a podcast, thinking it’s costly and a lot of work. But that’s not true! Even if you don’t have a penny to spare, you can successfully launch your podcast. Platforms like Anchor have made it incredibly easy to produce and distribute podcasts. And once you have a bigger budget, you can always invest in better-quality equipment and improve your production efforts. 

Don’t Forget Email Marketing

The buzz of social media is not dying anytime soon, but that doesn’t mean you can neglect email marketing. The fact is that there are more email users than social media users in the world. Email marketing is a tried-and-tested way to nurture leads and build long-lasting customer relationships. 

Similar to social media, sending emails on a consistent basis is essential. Sending an email once every few months is simply not going to cut it. To save costs and time, we urge you to build and implement email sequencing. 

The Bottom Line

​​Considering that more than half of the world is active on social media, it’s crucial to make the most of it. Don’t let these platforms go to waste by posting sporadically or missing out on trends. Hopefully, the aforementioned tips inspire you to diversify your social media content and take marketing to the next level.

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By Margaret Blank

At the moment I am an expert-analyst in the field of search engine optimization, leading several projects and consulting on website optimization and promotion, I am actively involved in various thematic seminars and conferences.

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