OpenAI has just unveiled SearchGPT, a prototype AI-powered search engine that could revolutionize how we find and consume information online. For marketers who depend on search to connect with new and existing customers, this opens up new opportunities as well as threats to their current marketing initiatives.

SearchGPT is tapping into a need for alternative searches not serviced by traditional search engines. This is evidenced by our findings that showed that Perplexity, an AI-first search engine, saw its referrals to brands and publishers grow by 2024. We even noticed Claude (Generative AI from Anthropic) appear as a traffic referrer for the first time in June. And Google itself has been adding AI Overviews to its traditional search results, and is constantly fine-tuning those AI-generated results as we reported using the BrightEdge Generative Parser™

Let’s dive into what SearchGPT brings to the table and why digital marketing professionals need to pay attention.


What is SearchGPT?

SearchGPT is OpenAI’s entry into the search market, leveraging their powerful GPT-4 family of models. Unlike traditional search engines, SearchGPT aims to provide direct answers to queries, combining AI capabilities with real-time web information.  Its conversational interface allows for follow-up questions, maintaining context throughout the search process, which could revolutionize online shopping experiences by making them more intuitive and user-friendly. The company plans to integrate SearchGPT’s best features into ChatGPT, suggesting that this innovative search functionality could extend far beyond the initial SearchGPT platform. Furthermore, the recently announced partnership with Apple with ChatGPT’s integration into iPhone 18 could present an even wider installed base for SearchGPT.  

Key features of SearchGPT include:

  1. AI-powered summarization and organization of search results
  2. Real-time access to information across the internet vs. a finite index
  3. Follow-up question capability for deeper exploration
  4. Clear attribution and links to sources
  5. A sidebar with additional source links for further exploration


The Prototype Phase

Currently, SearchGPT is in a prototype stage, with access limited to a small group of 10,000 users and publishers. There is currently a waiting list, which you can sign up for here. This controlled testing allows OpenAI to refine the system based on real-world feedback. This approach is similar to Google’s search generative experiences which were in Google labs several months prior to the launch of AI Overviews.


Collaboration with Publishers

OpenAI has developed SearchGPT in collaboration with major news partners, demonstrating a commitment to working alongside content creators. Several organizations were featured in the announcement including The Atlantic and News Corp.  This approach addresses concerns raised by publishers and digital marketers that Large Language Model (LLM) vendors are using their content without any compensation. It also opens up the door to win-win relationships between publishers and LLM vendors.  These relationships are similar to the ones currently in place, where traditional search engines reuse web content in exchange for referrals from users looking to connect with brands.

Key aspects of this collaboration include:

  • Publishers can manage how they appear in OpenAI search features
  • Option to opt out of having content used for model training while still being surfaced in search results
  • Clear, in-line attribution and links to sources which should ensure SearchGPT will be a source of referral traffic


The potential business implications of SearchGPT

The introduction of SearchGPT represents a significant shift in the search landscape, with far-reaching implications for digital marketers and businesses.

Given the explosive growth of OpenAI’s flagship product, ChatGPT, there’s a strong possibility that SearchGPT could see rapid adoption once fully launched. Moreover, OpenAI’s plan to infuse the best features of SearchGPT into ChatGPT means that the insights gained from this prototype could have broader applications across their product suite, potentially reaching tens of millions of users. And the , integrating AI capabilities into iOS 18, could further alter search market dynamics. This collaboration may challenge Google’s current dominance, especially considering Google’s substantial distribution via iPhones.

There are important considerations for digital marketing strategies.  For starters, AI summarizes content directly in search results. This will change the role of websites in the customer journey. The user experience on websites gains added importance for conversion and retention, as AI handles much of the initial discovery phase. While clear attribution in SearchGPT will drive referral traffic, companies should expect visitors to be more informed and closer to making a purchase decision when they visit a website.  High-quality intuitive user experiences will matter more than ever.

This evolution does not diminish SEO; on the contrary, it makes it even more critical! Understanding query intent and keyword research now must account for questions and concepts that the AI may anticipate and choose to cite. Furthermore, establishing brand authority becomes more crucial than ever, as AI systems are likely to favor well-established, trusted sources.

However, challenges remain. The absence of ads in current AI search results raises questions about sustainable monetization models. Additionally, the high operational costs associated with AI-powered search, as noted in Google’s recent financial results, present a hurdle for both new entrants and established players.

Ultimately, this new era of AI-powered search underscores the need for digital marketers and businesses to stay agile, data-driven, and focused on providing genuine value to their audience. The lessons learned from SearchGPT could rapidly influence the broader AI and search ecosystem, making it crucial for businesses to remain adaptable and leverage data-driven insights to navigate this evolving landscape.


SEO Factors Made Even More Important by OpenAI’s Foray into Search

At BrightEdge, we have been helping businesses navigate new trends in search for over 15 years.  OpenAI’s move into search is an exciting development and there are things we’ve equipped marketing professionals with to prepare.  There are six areas where SEO will play a critical role as AI-first engines like SearchGPT enter the marketplace.

1. Quality Content Reigns Supreme: SearchGPT’s AI is summarizing content that it cites.  If your content is to be cited, then creating high-quality, authoritative content becomes crucial. SEO strategies must focus on developing comprehensive resources that address user needs thoroughly. This includes not just addressing their immediate query, but the follow-ups that they may have. For marketers using BrightEdge, Copilot for Content Advisor ensures they have what they need for briefs and first drafts to achieve this.

2. Structured Data Becomes Critical: Clear, structured data helps AI systems understand and categorize content.  As SearchGPT dissects the needs of users, hints that help the AI understand how the content applies to a query will be essential.  Implementing proper schema markup and structured data will be essential for visibility in AI-powered search results. This also means marketers need to understand what schema is most prominent in their markets. BrightEdge users can do this quickly and easily with SearchIQ which defines exactly what schema matters most for search results you are competing in.

3. Topic Authority Matters More than Ever: Instead of targeting individual keywords, SEO strategies should focus on building topic authority. Comprehensive coverage of subjects increases the likelihood of being cited by AI search engines. Building this topical authority can be time-consuming, but fortunately, AI can help automate this process. At BrightEdge, we created Autopilot to do this without adding manual work, dynamically calibrating your topical authority to the latest search trends.

4. User Intent and Context are Essential Inputs for Content: As AI gets better at understanding user intent, SEO professionals must ensure content addresses various stages of the user journey and provides context-rich information. This requires precise data on search volumes to differentiate long tail keywords and see how different intents stack up. Data Cube X is the most powerful keyword research platform in the world with simple filtering and exact match keyword volumes so marketers never have to guess where the demand is.

5. Authoritative Citations Matter More: With AI systems potentially evaluating source credibility, the quality of citations and backlinks becomes even more critical. Focus on earning links from reputable, relevant sources. Marketers need to understand what the authoritative news sources, review sites, and publications are in their respective marketspaces. Only BrightEdge’s Share of Voice technology allows this at scale across multiple topics.

6. Technical SEO Remains Crucial: Site speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall user experience will continue to play a vital role in search visibility, both for traditional and AI-powered search engines. By leveraging BrightEdge Instant for speed insights, Content IQ for sitewide technical governance, and Oncrawl for deeper technical insights, marketers can pinpoint technical issues that could impact crawlability for both traditional and AI Search.


Looking Ahead: The Future is AI

The introduction of SearchGPT represents a significant shift in the search landscape, with far-reaching implications for digital marketers and businesses. The prototype phase is just the beginning. Given OpenAI’s popular ChatGPT, as well its partnership with Apple and the potential integration with iOS 18, SearchGPT could see rapid adoption, challenging Google’s dominance.
As AI begins to summarize and present content directly in search results, businesses must adapt their strategies:

  1. Develop comprehensive, authoritative content that addresses both primary queries and potential follow-up questions. This evolution amplifies the importance of SEO research, requiring a deeper understanding of query intent and AI-anticipation of related concepts.
  2. Strengthen brand authority and trustworthiness, as AI systems are likely to favor well-established, trusted sources. This becomes crucial as the AI search ecosystem diversifies, evidenced by Claude (from Anthropic) appearing as a traffic referrer for the first time in June 2024.
  3. Optimize user experience for both conversion and retention. As AI handles initial information retrieval, website UX gains added importance.
  4. Prepare for shifts in traffic patterns. While clear attribution in SearchGPT may drive referral traffic, traditional patterns may change, as Gartner predicts a 25% drop in traditional search volume by 2026.
  5. Stay informed about emerging AI technologies and their impact on search behavior. This includes monitoring developments in monetization models, given the current absence of ads in AI search results.

Challenges remain, including sustainable monetization models and high operational costs associated with AI-powered search. However, by staying agile, data-driven, and focused on providing genuine value, businesses can effectively navigate this new era of AI-powered search. The lessons learned from SearchGPT’s prototype phase could rapidly influence the broader AI and search ecosystem, making it crucial for businesses to remain adaptable and leverage data-driven insights in this evolving landscape!

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By Margaret Blank

At the moment I am an expert-analyst in the field of search engine optimization, leading several projects and consulting on website optimization and promotion, I am actively involved in various thematic seminars and conferences.

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