As a search engine optimization (SEO) professional, you know that Google has a vast search index with information on just about anything and everything. One of the powerful features of the Knowledge Graph is its ability to surface relevant information for your users based on their interests. Discover how to use the Knowledge Graph API for your SEO efforts.

Google’s Knowledge Graph search application programming interface (API) is one of the most powerful search features available on the web today. With it, you can query data from various sources (including Wikipedia and Google Books) to help your website rank higher in search engine results.

If you want to take your SEO to the next level, check out this article to learn more about using Google’s Knowledge Graph search API, from setting up your account to working with data.

What Is the Knowledge Graph Search API?

If you are looking for a way to boost your website’s ranking in Google, then using the Knowledge Graph Search API might be a good option for you. It is a tool that enables you to search for entities and facts in the Google Knowledge Graph. 

In Google’s Knowledge Graph, you can find information about people, places, topics, images and concepts. More specifically, it includes information about what people are saying about those entities and the relationships between them. The Knowledge Graph Search API lets you search for this information in various ways, including by topic or category.

To use the Knowledge Graph Search API, you first need to create a Google account and set up your development environment. Once that is done, you can start building your search queries using the Python programming language. Once your queries are ready, you can submit them to the search engine via the API.

It is important to note that it is not a search engine. Instead, it is an application programming interface or API that you can use to supplement your SEO efforts. By using the Knowledge Graph Search API, you can help your website discover new content ideas and connections that your regular search engine optimization (SEO) strategies may be unable to find.

The Top Five Benefits of Using the Knowledge Graph Search API

The Google Knowledge Graph search API is a powerful tool that can help you improve your SEO; it allows you to access insights from the Google search database.

It also lets you create rich content that will rank higher in search results. Some of the benefits of using the Knowledge Graph Search API include the following:

1. Improved Accessibility and Usability

The Knowledge Graph search API allows you to access information quickly and easily. It means that you can quickly find relevant content that is likely to be of interest to your target audience, with minimal effort.

2. Create Richer Content

The Knowledge Graph Search API gives you the ability to explore detailed information about various topics. This means you can create more engaging and informative content for your website or blog that will rank higher in search results.

3. Improve Your SEO

The Knowledge Graph search API allows you to access rich information about anything, which means you can create content that is more likely to be of interest to Google Search users. This, in turn, will help you improve your SEO rankings in the Google search engine.

4. Improved Site Relevance

By including relevant content from the Knowledge Graph on your website or blog, you can help improve your site’s relevancy. It means that your site will be more likely to be found by Google users when they search for information about specific topics.

5. Credibility

Your site will look more credible and authoritative, which will lead to higher click-through rates (CTRs).

Limitations of the Knowledge Graph Search API

Though the Knowledge Graph Search API is powerful, like any other tool, it has certain limitations that you should consider when using it for SEO purposes. Here are a few of the most important things to keep in mind:

  • The search results will only include items that Google has indexed. It means that if you want your content to appear in the search results, then you need to make sure that Google has indexed it.
  • The search results will only include text content from websites that have submitted their content to the Knowledge Graph Search API.
  • The search results will include only English-language content.
  • The search results will include only pages that are associated with a particular topic or keyword.
  • The search results will not include pages that have been removed from the Google index.
  • When you submit your content to the Knowledge Graph Search API, you will need to include a link to your page.
  • The results will be ranked according to many factors, including the relevance of your content and the popularity of related keywords.

Keep these limitations in mind when using the Knowledge Graph Search API for your SEO efforts, and you should be able to position your content prominently in search results.

Is Google Knowledge Graph Free?

Yes, Google Knowledge Graph is free to use for anyone who wishes to do so. However, there are some limitations that you will need to be aware of. This tool provides developers with a free quota of up to 100,000 read calls per day per project.

How Do I Get the Google Knowledge Graph API?

To get started with the Google Knowledge Graph API, you first need to sign up for a developer account. After you have registered, you will be able to create an API key and start using it to access the Knowledge Graph.

The Google Knowledge Graph is a massive database of millions of items that users can search and query. This database is to find information and help search engines understand the vast amounts of data they index.

To use the Knowledge Graph API, you first need to create a Request object. This object will contain all the information needed to make a request to the Knowledge Graph from your application. Once you have created your Request object, you can then make calls to the various methods on it to retrieve information or search through data.

Steps to Using the Knowledge Graph Search API

To use the Google Knowledge Graph Search API, you first need to create a project (if you do not have one already) and then obtain a key. After that, you can start using the API by invoking the search method on your project objectives. Here are some basic steps for using the Knowledge Graph Search API:

1. Obtain a Key From Google

There are several ways to get a key from Google. You can either request an account with a key or purchase a key directly from Google.

2. Set Up Your Project Object

After you have obtained your key, you will need to set up your project object to access the API. It involves setting up some properties, such as the search languages and fields you want to include in your search results.

3. Declare Your Queries’ Parameters

Once your project is set up, you will need to declare some query parameters to initiate a search. These parameters include the language you are using (for example, English) and specific keywords or phrases you want to find information about.

4. Execute Your Searches

Once you have declared your queries and parameters, you can execute the search method on your project object and wait for the results to come back. The search results will contain information about documents associated with those keywords or phrases, as well as relevant images or videos.

5. Analyze Search Results

Analyze your search results and use that data to make better content decisions. It will help you produce high-quality, relevant content that will rank well in Google’s search results.

6. Monitor Your Website’s Performance

Monitor your website’s Google search rankings regularly to gauge your content strategy’s impact on your site’s overall competitiveness.

7. Use Alternative Tools to Stand Out

Use other search engine optimization techniques to help your content stand out from the competition.

By following these steps, you can make sure that your content is high quality and relevant, helping you rank higher in Google search results.


Hopefully, this guide has given you some insight into how the Google Knowledge Graph API can be used in your SEO efforts. It provides users with a more contextual and enriched search experience. To take advantage of it, SEOs can now create content that delivers highly relevant and actionable results to their users.

But it does not mean that you should be complacent. As always, your content quality has to be top-notch to sustain the new search algorithm. Keep in mind that there are many ways in which this API could be useful, so experiment and find out what works best for you.

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By Margaret Blank

At the moment I am an expert-analyst in the field of search engine optimization, leading several projects and consulting on website optimization and promotion, I am actively involved in various thematic seminars and conferences.

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