We are pretty sure that you already know about one of the most effective link-building tactics there is: guest blogging. But have you heard about guestographics?

It’s like putting a spin on guest blogging, and it will help you obtain traffic and backlinks.

Today, visual content rising up in the ranks, and it has been for several years (and we don’t think it’s going anywhere). One of the main reasons is that visuals are more impactful than words, which is why original graphics are increasingly being used to convey their messages.

One of these popular graphics today is infographics because they are appealing, shareable, easy to consume and can also benefit search engine optimization (SEO). In fact, there is no reason to exclude them in your content.

But, exactly what are guestographics? In a few words, they are infographics that are pitched to external websites or blogs. These can form part of a guest post or be added to an existing post to help readers understand the information in the post, explain a process or topic and, in general, add value to it.

Here’s how to use guestographics for link-building:

1. Find the Best Topic

The first thing you need before designing your infographic is to decide on the right topic. For infographics to work, you need them to be original and relevant to your niche or target audience.

You can start by writing down your audience’s interests, pain points, needs and challenges. What are they searching for on the internet? What problems do they have? What keeps them from sleeping at night?

There are many ways to gather this information, such as reading comments on your social media posts and blog or sending a survey.

Another great way to understand what your audience is searching for is by doing keyword research on Google. The search engine’s autocomplete feature will give you some ideas of what else has been searched for regarding that particular topic.

Consider that the topic chosen must to provide sufficient opportunity to create a rich and educational infographic that will appeal to your specific audience.

2. Focus on Engaging With the Audience

Every piece of content you create needs to be engaging for the audience, and infographics are no exception to this rule.

Start by writing an compelling headline. It is the best way to get someone interested in what you are posting. Then, your information must follow a logical narrative that successfully conveys the message.

In the case of infographics, keep the text concise, focus on one topic and steer clear of cramming lengthy sentences together. But, again, the key here is that less is more.

You can then begin designing the infographic and, to make it easier, use an infographic maker to create it without having to hire a graphic designer.

This way, you can easily choose graphics, layout, colors, icons, typography, add photos, turn a picture into a painting if you need to and more to drive your narrative and connect with the audience.

Look at this example of an infographic about Stranger Things. The title “Who’s Going to Die in Season 5 of Stranger Things” quickly catches your attention, especially if you’re a series fan.

Source: Venngage.com

3. Connect With Influencers in Your Niche

Once you have published an infographic on your site, it’s time to pitch it to influencers on social media or similar websites that would like to share it or publish it on their platforms.

The infographic about Stranger Things above could be appealing to people who love the series and people who are watching it for the first time. Nonetheless, you can also use Buzzsumo to determine which prospects to go after.

4. Personalize Your Pitch

Sending cold outreach emails can be challenging, and is easily implemented incorrectly. You don’t want to be too pushy, and at the same time, you would like to be considered.

Therefore, to be successful with this task, you first need to determine if the editor or influencer would be interested in the guestographic, and don’t forget to add a personal touch to the pitch by sending personalized emails

Some ideas you can consider are: Mentioning a post they recently published or you can also praise their overall content of the website. Afterward, you can ask them to look at the infographic you want to send them.

This template can work for your pitch email design:

Hi [name of editor/website owner],

I noticed you an article about Stranger Things last season. Coincidentally, I have created on an infographic I believe could be an excellent addition to your post. It has interesting data about the series and speculations on future episodes.

Let me know if you’d like to take a look.


You need to persuade the editor by telling them how your infographic would benefit their readers, but don’t be too pushy.

5. Add Additional and Unique Value

The pitching process may be long since only a few people will respond positively to your offer. However, you can lure them into accepting the offer by adding unique value to their website.

You can offer to write a post or an introduction to the infographic. Plus, you can strategically add a link to your website as the image source, which will help with link-building. 


Are you ready to try this method? Guestographics can help you obtain new links to your site, more visits and improve your SEO.

The combination of high-quality visuals with exciting information delivered in an easy-to-consume format is thriving in content marketing.

Consider how marketable infographics are, and be sure they can help bolster your link-building efforts, attract relevant and high-quality website traffic and increase sales.

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By Margaret Blank

At the moment I am an expert-analyst in the field of search engine optimization, leading several projects and consulting on website optimization and promotion, I am actively involved in various thematic seminars and conferences.

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